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22년 계리모형론 (교재 택배발송, 수강신청 후 본원으로 연락주세요)  아이콘
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장은우 교수님의 22년도 제45회 보험계리사 2차시험 대비


계리모형론 강좌입니다.


1~5회차 : SOA Exam STAM 교재

6~8회차 : 별도 교재 사용


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[수강 전 확인사항]


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2022년 제45회 보험계리사 2차시험 계리모형론 수험생분들

  1. 커리큘럼
  2. 공지사항
강좌 회차별 커리큘럼 안내입니다. 강좌의 진행에 따라 변경 될 수 있습니다.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 1_1교시. Orientation, Basic Probability 62분
2회차 1_2교시. Parametric Distributions, Variance 49분
3회차 1_3교시. Mixtures, Splices, Deductibiles, Policy Limits 50분
4회차 1_4교시. Loss Reserving Basic Methods 35분
5회차 1_5교시. Loss Reserving Other Methods 45분
6회차 2_1교시. Ratemaking Preliminary Calculations 74분
7회차 2_2교시. Ratemaking Rate Changes and Individual Risk Rating Plans 63분
8회차 2_3교시. Policy Limits, Deductible, Loss Elimination Ratio 52분
9회차 2_4교시. Reinsurance, Value-at-Risk, Tail-Value-at-Risk, Other Topics 34분
10회차 2_5교시. Bonuses, Discrete Distributions 34분
11회차 3_1교시. (a, b, 1) class, Poisson/Gamma, Freqeuncy Distributions 48분
12회차 3_2교시. Aggregate Loss Models Compound Variance 37분
13회차 3_3교시. Aggregate Loss Models Severity Modifications, The Recursive Formula 41분
14회차 3_4교시. Aggregate Loss Models Aggregate Deductible, Miscellaneous Topics, Maximum Liklihood Estimator 56분
15회차 3_5교시. Maximum Liklihood Estimator Special Techniques 50분
16회차 4_1교시. Variance of Maximum Likelihood Estimators 35분
17회차 4_2교시. The delta method 43분
18회차 4_3교시. Hypothesis Tests Graphic Comparison, Komogorov-Smirnov, Chi-square 63분
19회차 4_4교시. Chi-Square test, Likelihood Ratio Test 34분
20회차 4_5교시. Classical Credibility 48분
21회차 5_1교시. Bayesian Estimation Discrete Prior 37분
22회차 5_2교시. Bayesian Estimation Continuous Prior 48분
23회차 5_3교시. Buhlmann Credibility Basics 54분
24회차 5_4교시. Buhlmann Credibility Discrete Prior 36분
25회차 5_5교시. Buhlmann Credibility Continuous Prior, Buhlmann-Straub Credibility 56분
26회차 6_1교시. Buhlmann As Least Squares Estimate of Bayes, Empirical Bayes Non-Parametric Methods 47분
27회차 6_2교시. Empirical Bayes Non-Parametric Methods, Semi-Parametric Methods 39분
28회차 6_3교시. Empirical Bayes Semi-Parametric Methods 52분
29회차 6_4교시. Review of Mathematical Statistics, Kaplan-Meier Estimators 40분
30회차 6_5교시. Nelson-Aalen Estimators, Variance of Kaplan-Meier and Nelson-Aalen Estimators 38분
31회차 7_1교시. Kernel Smoothing 46분
32회차 7_2교시. Moments of Kernel-smoothed distribution, Inversion Method 47분
33회차 7_3교시. Simulating1 (a,b,0) distribution 36분
34회차 7_4교시. Simulation Applications, Bootstrap Approximation 57분
35회차 7_5교시. Linear Regression 64분
36회차 8_1교시. F statistic, Generalized Linear Model Basic 50분
37회차 8_2교시. Generalized Linear Model Categorical Response 27분
38회차 8_3교시. Time Series Basic, Autoregressive Models <종강> 63분
39회차 (보강) 보충교재 AR(1) model Example 20A 18분
유지완 (mies@mies.co.kr)
서울 영등포구 양산로 91 리드원지식산업센터 206호
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