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정재철 교수님의 SOA Exam - SRM 강좌입니다.

                 (2023년 5월 촬영)


[수강 전 확인사항]


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[ 학 습 내 용 ]


* Statistics for Risk Modeling

* Actex SOA Exam SRM Study Manual (2022 Spring) 교재 총 2권

수강 대상
  1. 커리큘럼
  2. 공지사항
강좌 회차별 커리큘럼 안내입니다. 강좌의 진행에 따라 변경 될 수 있습니다.
회차 단원명 샘플강좌 강의시간
1회차 ① Preface ② 1.1 Model Formulation and Fitting (p.13) 55분
2회차 1.1 Model Formulation and Fitting (p.27) 56분
3회차 1.2 Assessing the Goodness of Fit of an SLR Model (p.51) 50분
4회차 1.3 Statistical Inference about Regression Coefficients (p.65) 54분
5회차 1.3 Practice Problems (p.77) 30분
6회차 1.4 Prediction (p.92) 41분
7회차 2.1 From SLR to MLR (p.113) 63분
8회차 2.1 (p.127) 61분
9회차 2.1 (p.146) 35분
10회차 2.2 Partial Correlation (p.167) 48분
11회차 2.3 Model Construction (p.181) 59분
12회차 2.3 (p.191) 51분
13회차 2.3 (p.199) 34분
14회차 2.4 Generalized F-test (p.220) 77분
15회차 3.1 Residual Analysis (p.232) 31분
16회차 3.2 Influential Points (p.242) 60분
17회차 3.3 Heteroscedasticity (p.250) 58분
18회차 3.4 Collinearity (p.261) 59분
19회차 3.4 Collinearity (p.280) 21분
20회차 4.1 A Primer on Statistical Learning (p.309) 62분
21회차 4.1 A Primer on Statistical Learning (p.326) 60분
22회차 4.2 Resampling Method (p.344) 63분
23회차 4.3 Variable Selection (p.357) 40분
24회차 4.3 Variable Selection (p.381) 78분
25회차 4.4 Shrinkage Methods (p.411) 67분
26회차 5.1 GLM Fundamentals (p.431) 53분
27회차 5.1 GLM Fundamentals (p.449) 88분
28회차 5.1 GLM Fundamentals (p.458) 38분
29회차 5.1 GLM Fundamentals (p.479) 38분
30회차 5.2 GLM Case Study 1 (p.498) 45분
31회차 5.2 GLM Case Study 1 (p.516) 61분
32회차 5.3 GLM Case Study 2 (p.543) 76분
33회차 6.1 Fundamental Components of Time Series (p.564) 51분
34회차 6.2 Two Primitive Time Series Models (p.579) 69분
35회차 6.3 Filtering to Achieve Stationarity ~ 6.5 End-of-chapter Problems (p.589) 33분
36회차 7.1 Smoothing (p.604) 47분
37회차 7.2 Autoregressive Models (p.620) 66분
38회차 7.3 Forecasting Volatility : ARCH/GARCH Models (p.630) 56분
39회차 7.4 Forecast Evaluation ~ 7.5 End-of-chapter Problems (p.648) 35분
40회차 8.1 Fundamentals of Decision Trees (p.674) 56분
41회차 8.1 Fundamentals of Decision Trees (p.699) 54분
42회차 8.2 Ensemble Trees (p.725) 72분
43회차 9.1 Fundamental Ideas of Principal Components Analysis (p.743) 53분
44회차 9.2 Application of PCA to Supervised Learning ~ 9.3 End-of-chapter Problems (p.768) 69분
45회차 10.1 K-Means Clustering ~ 10.2 Hierarchical Clustering (p.791) 68분
46회차 10.3 Practical Considerations in Clustering ~ 10.4 End-of-chapter Problems (p.804) <종강> 47분
유지완 (mies@mies.co.kr)
서울 영등포구 양산로 91 리드원지식산업센터 206호
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